Future Lab
Visiting Scientist for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in the Future Laboratory Green Hydrogen
As one of three postdoctoral scientists of the r-SOC work package in the Future Laboratory Green Hydrogen, you will be responsible for setting up and operating a pressure-driven short stack test rig for the experimental investigation of the influence of pressure on r-SOC degradation processes. You are welcome to use the freedom of the project to set your own priorities. Together with a total of eleven postdoctoral researchers, you will actively participate in the scientific-academic discourse on current research and development issues in the field of green hydrogen. You are expected to actively participate in the scientific exchange in the form of publications and conference contributions. This exchange is in the foreground in the Future Laboratory, a collegial and productive cooperation with the other scientists is a prerequisite.
You have a PhD, work experience and several publications in the field of solid oxide cells. In addition, fluent written and spoken English is expected.
Interested? You are welcome to contact us at any time with questions or for additional information. To apply please submit the following files in electronic form to
- CV
- Cover letter
- References or recommendation letters (if any)
Scholarship for a period of 3 to 6 months
Through the Future Lab Scholarship, we can offer interested students, PhD candidates and early Postdocs to visit the Future Lab for a period of 3 to 6 months. If selected, we will reimburse your travel costs from your home organization to Munich, Germany, up to 1,000 Euros and you will receive a monthly stipend of 1,750 Euros.
Candidates will be selected by the steering committee of the Future Lab based on their excellence (as indicated by already existing scientific outputs or grades of the latest academic degree, as well as recommendations by current supervisors).
To apply for the scholarship, please submit the following files to
- Cover letter, detailing the research area and topic you are interested in
- Resumee
- Copies of certificates (high school, college,…)
- Overview of university grades
- References or recommendation letters (if any)
- The period of your stay
Short-term stay (up to 6 Months) as guest researcher or Mid-/long-term stay as guest professor
Chair of Energy Systems
TU Munich
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching b. München
Click here for more details: